Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths.
An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature.




CREATE TABLE paths__places (
  id                  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- primary key
  creator             TEXT, -- automatically filled by the RDBMS with the current user id
  name                TEXT,
  copticname          TEXT,
  greekname           TEXT,
  arabicname          TEXT,
  arabictranslname    TEXT,
  egyptianname        TEXT,
  tmgeo               TEXT,
  pleiades            TEXT,
  timm                TEXT,
  region              TEXT, -- vocabularies.def = 'dialects'
  area                TEXT, -- places.area
  meris               TEXT, -- places.meris
  nomos               TEXT, -- vocabularies.def = 'nomos'
  province            TEXT, -- vocabularies.def = 'provinces'
  episcopalsee        TEXT, -- 1|0
  episcopalseefrom    TEXT,
  notesepiscopalsee   TEXT,
  typology            TEXT, -- vocabularies.def = 'site_typology'
  toporeferredto      TEXT, --
  notestoporeferredto TEXT,
  historicalreference TEXT,
  datefrom            INTEGER,
  dateto              INTEGER,
  datingcriteria      TEXT,
  description         TEXT,
  hasmonastery        BOOLEAN, -- 1|0
  monasterynotes      TEXT,
  isnomoscapital      BOOLEAN, -- 1|0
  editors             VARCHAR(255), -- semi-colon-separated-values: vocabularies.def = 'persons'
  status              VARCHAR(255), -- vocabularies.def = 'status'
  lastmodified        TEXT
  • places >—< biblio ( via m_biblio [+ details])
  • places —< m_placephase
  • places —< manuscripts (via paths__m_msplaces [+ type, source info, source note])
  • places —< geodata (via paths__geodata)
  • placesauthors
  • placescolophons