Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths.
An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature.



m_biblio is a junction table that servers the purpose of linking one or more records of any other table to one or more records of table Bibliography


CREATE TABLE paths__m_biblio (
  id         INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- primary key
  table_link TEXT, -- dynamic foreign key, combined with id_link
  id_link    INTEGER, -- dynamic foreign key, combined with table_link
  short      TEXT,
  details    TEXT,
  images     TEXT
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Authors
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Collections
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Colophons
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Files
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Manuscripts
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Places
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Titles
  • Bibliographic database >— m_biblio -< Works